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Joy Beyond Measure by Betty B. Radford

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Betty Radford has created another original work that is lyrical, energetic, passionate, and expressive. Techniques used include Ring, many LV phrases, TD, Pl, Mallet, and Shake. This is a very creative work and can be used in secular as well as sacred settings.

The composer shares the inspiration for this music:
Joy Beyond Measure was commissioned by Judy AtLee’s family in honour of her 75th birthday. In discussions with Judy, I learned that J. S. Bach’s Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring was one of her favourite music compositions. There are many arrangements of this music and I didn’t want to follow Bach’s music exactly but wanted to use some of the elements of his composition in this piece. The first section is probably the closest to Bach’s Jesu Joy. After that, the direction seemed to flow to a 7/8 section. I debated about whether to return to 6/8 time but felt that 4/4 would offer yet another contrast to Bach’s music. In this last section I turned a Bach chorale using chimes over a flowing bass before returning to a reflection of the 6/8 section. Judy created the title for this composition. Measure has a double meaning for her in the title: as well as being an avid handbell ringer, Judy is a fabulous quilter. Her fabric projects are true works of art. Judy and her family are truly pleased with this composition and hope both ringers and listeners enjoy Joy Beyond Measure.”

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